「蓐收」是傳說中的司秋之神,具說他也是日落之神, 住在西方。其形象是:左耳上掛著蛇, 以兩條龍當坐騎。
蓐收除了司秋、掌管日落, 到了後來, 他也具有掌管天下刑罰的職能。據《國語》記載:
有一天, 虢國君主夢見自己在宗廟中看到一個神人:祂有人的面孔、老虎的爪子、渾身都是白色毛髮, 手執大斧站在西牆下。
虢君很害怕, 想要逃走, 神人說:「不要跑, 你想跑也跑不掉, 上帝會讓晉國的軍隊襲擊虢國的都城。」
虢君夢到的神人, 就是蓐收。
虢國國君得到神人的警示後, 一點都不在意, 過了一段時間, 果然發生晉獻公「假虞滅虢」的歷史事件——這次不但虞國被滅, 連虢國也亡了。
" Ru shou " was the god of autumn and was also the god of the sun, living in the West. Its image was: A snake hanged on the left ear, and was riding two dragons.
He took charge of the autumn and took charge of the sunset. Later, he also had the function of taking charge of punishment in the world. According to Chinese ancient book recorded:
One day, the monarch Guo dreamed of seeing a God in the temple: He had a human face, tiger's claws, and all body with white hairs. He held a big axe with hand and stood under the Western Wall.
The monarch Guo was very scared and wanted to escape. God said that "Don't run. If you want to run, you can't run away. The Jin's army will attack the capital of your country."
The monarch Guo dreamed of was the Ru shou God.
After monarch Guo received warning from the God, he did not care. After a while, there was a historical event of Jin Xiangong's “attacking the enemy by passing through a common neighbor”.
This time not only was the YU country destroyed, but even the Guo country was also eliminated by Jin.