In ancient times, there was a "Zhu Xian", who was very stupid. One day was raining, and Zhu Xian was wearing the borrowed clothes. Because of the muddy, he slipped and fell over and accidentally got injured on one arm and the clothes were stained with mud.
When the servant saw this situation, he quickly helped master up and massaged. Zhu Xian immediately ordered the servant to stop and said, "You are going to wash my clothes immediately. The arm was broken and it has nothing to do with you."
The servant knew that the master was very stupid and asked: "Since the arm was hurt, you don't care, then why care about a piece of clothing?"
Zhu Xian said: “The arm is my own arm. Who will ask me for compensation?"
When you encounter such a master who is so irrational, what can you do? As long as he’s happy, just done it.
P.S. 迂仙和愚公的寓言故事不同: 愚公是大智若愚, 而迂仙的迂是屬於迂腐的迂、不知變通的迂。因此, 在許多關於迂仙的故事中, 作者馮夢龍的每一條記載, 都離不開調侃的語調。