

IMG_1606 10888871_906857059325906_2425524864084485917_n  12月24日的早上八點半,Mahesh 先生跟我約在琥珀堡見面,還沒見到人之前,我並不確定Mahesh 先生和他的兒子Mohit是否會如期出現,因此心情有些忐忑不安——萬一沒出現,我攜帶禮物騎大象,豈不成了笑柄?


我們認出彼此後,隨即朝著對方的方向快速走去,我一邊握手,一邊面帶微笑地說:「Nice to meet you.」並遞上見面禮,而Mohit 則代替其父用流利的英文告訴我禮物放在車上.


當我接到貴重的聖誕禮物時,頗有受寵若驚之感,驚訝的是: 以Mahesh先生的工藝水準之高(President award winner),他竟然會贈給我一尊高達27公分﹑寬16公分 的手工精製象鼻神,及一尊莊嚴的佛像和一件輕薄舒適的上衣。我簡直在作夢?

謝謝藝術大師Mahesh先生的大方贈予,也謝謝具有紳士風度的Mohit願意當我的臨時導遊。 琥珀堡之旅因為有您倆位紳士的出現,不但讓旅行增添不少美麗的回憶,也讓我相信:「只要真誠以對,不同國度的人,也可以成為值得信賴的好朋友. 」

P.S. 請進入底下網址,就可欣賞到Mahesh先生和他的兩個兒子的優秀作品,也可以了解到木雕世家的小故事.
December 24th at 8:30 am, Mr. Mahesh dated with me in Amber Fort . Before meet, I'm not sure if Mr. Mahesh and his son Mohit will occur as scheduled, so my mood a little upside down. I thought that if he did not show, I rode an elephant and carried the gifts will be very funny.

My mind was not peaceful, when our bus had been slowly pulled into the Amber Fort, I saw two huge over180 centimeters tall figure greeting me, who were Mahesh and Mohit.

We recognized each other, then quickly walked toward the other direction, while I shacked hands and wore smiling, said: ". Nice to meet you," and handed him the gifts, while Mohit was fluent in English who instead of his father to tell me that they had the gifts on the car.

When I received a precious Christmas gifts, feeling quite flattered, surprise: Mr. Mahesh high technology standards (President award winner), he presented to me a statue of up to 27 cm and wide 16 cm , refined elephant god, and a stately statues and a light and comfortable coat. I was just dreaming?

Thank you Mr. Mahesh’s generous gifts , and thanks Mohit was willing to be temporary guide. Amber fort tour because of two gentlemen appeared, not only to add a lot of beautiful memories, but also let me believe that : "As long as good faith to right, people of different countries can also become a trusted friend."

PS. Please enter underneath URL, you can appreciate the good works of Mr. Mahesh and his two sons, and your can learn woodcarving family’s story .

http: //


    象鼻神 琥珀堡 聖誕禮物
    創作者 子玲 的頭像


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