窮奇能聽得懂人話,但不辨是非,不但喜歡包庇奸人,而且愛獎惡懲善。據記載: 窮奇只要聽到有人打架就會湊上一腳,並咬掉有理的一方;牠只要聽說誰忠信誠實,就吃掉誰;如果有人犯惡行,窮奇就會捕捉野獸獎賞他。
另外還有一個版本記載道: 窮奇是一頭凶惡的異獸,外貌像老虎,有一雙翅膀,喜歡吃人,吃人時,會從頭部開始進食。
There was a beast in the Chinese fairy tale called " Qiong Qi", its shape like a cow, the hair of the body like a hedgehog thorn, the sound like a dog barking.
Qiong Qi can understand people talk, but not distinguish right from wrong, not only like to cover the traitor, and love evil people and love to give the good one punishment.According to historical records, as long as Qiong Qi heard that someone fought and it appeared and bitten off the rational side. If it heard who was honest andsincere, and then it eat the loyal and honest one. If someone committed evil, it will captured the beast reward him.
There was another version, Qiong Qi was a ferocious beast and looked like a tiger, had a pair of wings and will eat human beings. When Qiong Qi started to eat human beings, it will from the head.
Therefore, anyone who likes to discreditgood person, he will be called Qiong Qi.