


       宋國有個酒店老闆待客很周到、酒不會偷斤減兩、酒旗兒也高高掛起,但是他家的酒就是銷路不好,以至於醇酒常常變成酸酒。酒店老闆問同鄉老人楊倩討教,楊倩問:「你家的狗很兇嗎?」他說:「狗很兇,跟賣酒有什麼關係?」楊倩說:「人怕惡狗啊! 譬如:有人派小孩買酒,狗就迎上去咬他,這樣子誰敢再來買酒——這就是你家的酒會變酸的道理。」





      I went through an eyeglasses store yesterday, and found it has the facade luxury, excellent location, and the front door with the striking horse race lamp, that the company should be swarmed with visitors. However, when the horse race lamp appeared " BEWARE OF DOG ", I know what is wrong with it.

      In ancient China there was a philosopher named Han Fei, who had written a fable of "the dog was ferocious and the wine have an acid taste. " It had two versions. One said that,


      Song (was a state)had a hotel owner , he treated guests very thoughtful, the wine was superb, the shop sign was also hung to a high, but his wine was selling bad, so that alcohol often become sour.

Hotel owner ask one elderly man Yang Qian, Yang Qian asked “Is your dog very fierce?" Hotel owner said that "dog is fierce, what’s the matter with the selling wine?"


     Yang Qian said that “because people are afraid of evil dog! For example: When the child buys wine, the dog will go up and bite him, and who will dare to buy the wine again—This is the true reason why your wine will become sour. “


      Another version said that:

      Song had a hotel owner surnamed Zhuang, his wine is very super. A master sent a servant to buy Zhuang’s wine, servant afraid of dog bite, therefore he went to other place to buy. The master asked that "Why don’t you buy the Zhuang’s wine?" The servant replied, "Because the Zhuang’s wine is sour today."


      This story tells us:” The boss is nice, the wine is super or the location is good, that was not the best factor in the success of the business; if everything is available, but Beware of The Dog!! , the customers will not come to the door “ .

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