今天早上偷喝一杯自家磨的咖啡, 很濃郁、很提神, 在客廳的角落站著拍照——背後的《雪景圖》是外子的工筆畫, 前面的花瓶是我的瓷器作品, 香水百荷散出清香, 雖已瓶中供養超過一個禮拜, 但依舊綻放著美麗的嬌容, 讓我心情為之大好!
I had a cup of home-made coffee this morning. It was very strong and refreshing my spirit. I stood in the corner of the living room and took picture. The "Snow painting" behind me was my husband work. In front of the vase was my painting. The perfume lily out of the fragrance, although it has been kept in the bottle for more than a week, still blooms beautiful, which makes me feel good!