儘管三個子女的體型看起來像成鳥,但是牠們仍靠媽媽捕魚餵飽肚子。一條魚怎麼養三張嘴? 當媽的很可憐,牠不能休息,必需再接再厲出海去捕魚,萬一有個三長兩短,孩子們就得靠自己活下去! 弱肉強食,這是自然界不變的道理,唯有強者才能出頭天、才能好好活出生命色彩。
Although the three children look like adult birds, they still rely on their mother to feed their stomachs. How can a fish raise three months? Mom's work is not so easy to do. It can't rest. It must be re-entered to go fishing. If it’s killed by predators, children will have to live on their own! “ The weak to meat and the strong do eat”, this is nature. The unchanging truth, this is the unchanging truth of nature. Only the strong can make a sky, and only the strong can live the color of life.